Encouraged to do something Better
31 years old Shefaly Begum lives in Madenerpara, under Fulsari Upazila in Gaibandha district. She is a group member of Tia Mohila Samiti under the NGO :Gana Unnyan Kendro. She has one daughter 12 years old and reading class five. Her son is 6 years old and reading class one. Her husband is a driver. He drives engine van but not whole the year. He also works as day labour. They take the lease land for cultivation. From these sources of income they run their family. What ever they do saving in a year, often it goes for sickness treatment or education purpose.
In that old house she did not feel security. Her two school going children had not concentration in education. Often they fall in sick. In the rainy season rain comes in side the room. In storm they feel that the house can collapse any time as the plinth is made by mud. One side of the room they have to share with domestic goat. This 10x12 feet room is hard to live 4 family members.
Last few years they were planning to construction a new house. But the money they had, was not enough to start construction new house. IHS through GUK, with consulting the group “Tia Mohila Samiti” wish to construct new house for Shefaly Begum with the investment of cash.
Though the daughter of Shefali knew that photo will be taken for their new house. But she wants to go to school in time as she prepared her class task very well last nigh. She often invites her class friend to visit her house. The children are enjoying their education and health is good. “We feel secure and want to do something better economically and socially. We also feel empowered” said by Shefaly Begum.