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Inclusive Home Solution is introducing an up-to-date supervision tool, to improve the management of the construction of our 2.020 houses (June2016). The app is being developed in the Netherlands by our IT-Engineer Jan Hidding and installed by our volunteer Jan Willem Bolks.

With the IPad, our Engineers visit the clients and record the GPS coordinates of their old house. They take photos of the existing house and transfer all data real-time to our website. The sponsors of the house can see “their own Bengali house” on Google earth with some photos of the family in front of the old house.

At the same moment, our engineers enter several technical data related to the family situation of the client: the number of family members living in the house, income and expenses, school going children, condition of the sanitation, budget and planning of the new house and so on. All those data become available for our management team in Dhaka to analyse the profile of our clients and the type of construction of the old houses.

A couple of weeks later our engineers will visit again and upload new photographs of the ongoing work. In the supervision file they enter all technical data: size of the house, type of plinth, materials used, budget spent so far, sanitation and water supply and progress of the ongoing construction… Again the photographs and some information will be available for the sponsor.

IHS continues this supervision with several more visits, till the final hand-over of the houses to the clients. By then a good amount of information is available to analyse our intervention!

A great tool which improves our supervision and monitoring capacity!