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CSEB training in Auroville (India)

Date : 03-10-2016

Between 11 and 17 September two engineers and one associate of IHS followed a masonry training course for CSEB in Auroville (India)( During this training the participants got information on how to build a house with CSEB blocks. The course started with theoretical information on CSEB and how to work with the CSEB blocks.

After the theoretical information the practical training began. It started with practice on how to construct a stabilized rammed earth foundation and a stabilized rammed earth wall, followed by practice on how to mason a wall with CSEB blocks. After that the participants practiced on how to make lintels, columns, plaster and arches using CSEB blocks and earth based techniques.

The acquired knowledge will be put into practice now. IHS is currently designing two CSEB demonstration houses in Shariatpur. In October IHS will select and test the soil that will be used and after that we will start with the production of the blocks. We are planning to start the construction of the two demonstration houses in January next year. We will keep you informed!

We also visited houses, office buildings and a temple constructed with CSEB in Auroville. Enjoy the pictures.